Thursday, September 28, 2017



Reading-Read Literature Circle Books

Read Aloud- A Week in the Woods by Andrew Clements

Math-Part 1 of Unit 2 review.    
Social Studies-Economic Process and Free Enterprise System.
In table groups we worked on the following questions:
  1. What is profit?
  2. How does a business get money to invest in the business?
  3. What risk does a business take in borrowing money to run the business?
  4. What are the benefits of a free enterprise system?

Math- EngageNY
Reading- 20 minutes

Writing-PAW “Signs of Fall” I forgot to hand the prompt out yesterday. I let the kids work on it today during writing to make-up for last nights planning. They should be ready for tonight's writing.

* As the weather changes  be sure your child is dressed appropriate.
*October 3rd Picture Retakes
*October 11th & 12th Parent Teacher Conferences
Look for Sign-up-Genius to hit your email soon
*October 12th No School (teacher workday)
*October 26th Choir Performance 6:30 pm
*October 27th Fall-o-ween
Standards Addressed
Reading~ RL 5.1 RL 5.6
Writing~ W 5.2 w 5.3 W 5.5 L 5.2  L 5.3 L 5.6
Math NBT 2, NBT 3a, NBT3b,NBT 4,OA 2, G 3,G 4,NF 5.a